1. Issue cheque payable to ''RLAF''
2. Indicate at the back of the cheque : Donor’s name, NRIC and contact number (for tax deduction)
3. Write ''Attention to RLAF'' and mail cheque to either Masjid Yusof Ishak (10 Woodlands Drive 17 S737740) or MUIS (273 Braddell Rd S579702)

1. Paynow to RLAF’s Unique Entity Number (UEN) : 200910530Z
2. E-mail your name, NRIC and copy/screenshot of the transfer to irdawaty@rlafoundation.org.sg (for tax deduction)
1. Direct bank transfer or cash deposit to OCBC Current Account 629-069154-001
2. Email your name, NRIC and copy/screenshot of the transfer to irdawaty@rlafoundation.org.sg (for tax deduction)
Q1. What are the objectives of this project?
Rahmatan Lil Alamin (Blessings to All) Day or RLA Day is an annual commemoration which signifies the Singapore Muslim community’s efforts in spreading the ethos of Rahmatan Lil Alamin (bringing blessings to all). This year, the RLA Day focuses on rallying support towards the disability cause and PwDs in Singapore through the following:
- Raising awareness about disability and PwDs in Singapore among the community
- Nurturing a sustained relationship between organizations which support PwDs and stakeholders in the community through volunteer-beneficiary engagements and more
- Encouraging donations to RLAF’s fundraising for organizations which provide services and support for PwDs via President’s Challenge
Q2. How can we support RLAF in this cause?
Members of the public can make their donation via online at:
Mode of donations: –
- PayNow – you would need to key in RLAF’s UEN: 200910530Z
- Giving.SG – campaign at giving.sg/rlafoundationsg/
- Muslim.SG – RLAF
- Interbank transfer via RLAF (Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation) – Transfer to OCBC Current Account at a/c no: 629069154001
Kindly email to rlaf@rlafoundation.org.sg a screenshot of the donation made together with donor’s NRIC / UEN for tax deductible donations purposes.
Issue cheque payable to ‘RLAF’. State on back of cheque: donor’s name, NRIC/ UEN (for a tax deductible donations) contact number and indicate “RLAF”. Mail your cheque to RLAF (Masjid Yusof Ishak, No 10, Woodlands Drive 17, Singapore 737740) or to MUIS (No. 273 Braddell Road, Singapore 579702)
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