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Aid for Gaza 2025









cases of malnutrition (in children)

Aid for Gaza 2025

The Rahmatan Lil Alamin (Blessings to All) Foundation (RLAF) is launching a fundraising appeal to provide critical aid for children and families affected by the ongoing crisis in Gaza. This aid focuses on delivering food, water, medical supplies, healthcare services and educational support.

The fundraising will be conducted in support of the United Nations Childrenโ€™s Fund (UNICEF), the Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC) and a local organisation, Humanity Matters (HM).

Impact of Gaza Crisis on Children and Families: A Call for Action

The ongoing crisis has displaced approximately 1.9 million people, with 1.7 million confined to just 48 kmยฒ, creating extreme overcrowding and worsening humanitarian conditions. The unhygienic living conditions has created a public health catastrophe with increased risk to waterborne diseases, including diarrhoea, Hepatitis and Polio. This poses a serious threat to childrenโ€™s lives, especially those under the age of two. Food insecurity, malnutrition, and poverty continue to rise, as economic hardships compound the suffering of families.

Most children have lost access to quality education, water, and essential services. Damage to 534 schools may set back education by up to five years due to damage to 534 schools, affecting all 658,760 school-aged children. This underscores the urgent need for sustained humanitarian assistance.

With the ceasefire resolution in effect, additional borders to Gaza have opened, allowing increased aid trucks of up to 600 trucks per day, and relief supplies to reach affected communities, delivering food, medical supplies, and essential resources to families. As immediate aid flows in, the current focus now shifts toward addressing various aspects of humanitarian relief and reconstruction efforts. This includes rebuilding homes and infrastructure, restoring healthcare and education systems, and providing long-term support for the families.

Fourth Fundraising Appeal for Gaza

RLAF will be conducting a fourth fundraising appeal from 24 February 2025 to 6 April 2025 (6 weeks), providing Singaporeans a means to contribute to this humanitarian cause. RLAF has received the permit to conduct the fundraising appeal from the Commissioner of Charities.

This effort will employ a multi-model approach via online donations and collections at mosques. The funds raised will support (and not be limited to) the procurement of vital supplies such as food, water, medical aid, and sanitation for the affected communities in Gaza.

All donations will be channeled through our partners UNICEF, Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC), and Humanity Matters. This is to ensure effective procurement and delivery of essential relief items and services to reach affected children and their families in Gaza.

*Donations under this โ€˜Aid for Gaza 2025โ€™ campaign are eligible for a 100% tax deduction under the Overseas Humanitarian Assistance Tax Deduction Scheme (OHAS), as approved by the Commissioner of Charities Unit. Kindly fill in the Form below with details of the donations to be eligible for tax exemption:

UNICEF does not endorse any company, brand, product or service.


Q1. Who is UNICEF and what does the organization do?

Q2. Who is the Egyptian Red Crescent and what does the organisation do?

Q3. Who is Humanity Matters and what does the organisation do?

Q4. What is M3 @Towns and what do they do?

Q5. What will each partner organization do with the funds raised, and how will they benefit those in Gaza?

Q6. Why is RLAF partnering with three different organizations for this campaign?

Q7. When is the period of donation?

Q8. What will the donation be allocated for?

Q9. Why canโ€™t we donate to RLAF outside the period of donation?

Q10. What is the process to fundraise for this fundraising appeal, and how does RLAF ensure the donations are properly collected and audited?

Q11. When will the funds reach Gaza?

Q12. How are the supplies distributed to the beneficiaries and are there any issues in doing so?

Q13. Why is this campaign taking 6 weeks for Gaza?

Q14. How can I volunteer in this effort?

Q15. What is the minimum amount for donations?

Q16. What are the platforms and methods available for donations?

Q17. Will receipts be issued for my donations and can it be claimed for tax-deductible?

Q18. How does RLAF ensure the funds and essential aid reach the children and their families in Gaza?

Q19. Can our donations be considered as Zakat?

Q20. I donated online but forgot to indicate โ€œAIDFORGAZA2025โ€ under remarks. Will my online donation still be accepted for this fundraising campaign?

Q21. Does RLAF accept in-kind or item donations for this campaign?

Q22. I have wrongly transferred and I would like to request for a refund.

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