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RLAF welcomes grant applications from approved IPCs, charities, societies, social enterprises, voluntary/ grassroot organisations/ groups, faith groups and schools for projects that will help the foundation realize its objectives.

It will offer funding support to innovative efforts and initiatives of individuals, groups and institutions, Muslim and non-Muslims who are interested in conceptualizing and undertaking projects that will make a real difference in the lives of challenged communities, and promote community bonding and humanitarian values.


Annually, 4 grant application windows: January, April, July and October


Note before applying

  •  Ensure you are a Singapore-registered organisation. We require an UEN no. in the grant application
  • Ensure your proposal includes all the necessary details such as programme, budget and timeline
  • Ensure the starting date of the project is at least 3 months before the date of submission
  • Be informed that the grant will be released on a reimbursement basis , 3 months after completion of project and submission of all necessary supporting documents. The foundation does not give grants in advance.
  • Be informed that only 1 grant application is accepted per organisation each quarter

Grant Criteria

  • Develop capacity of volunteers and participants of the project
  •  Serve local Singaporean beneficiaries. For overseas projects, it is mandatory to have 1 pre and 1 post Community Involvement Projects for local beneficiaries
  • Promote better understanding and cultivate stronger bonds within and amongst different communities in Singapore. More evaluation points will be given to multi-faith teams
  • Seek alternative funding sources (eg: Youth Epedition Project Grant, Lee Foundation, Lien Foundation etc)

Evaluation Points

Apart from the above-mentioned criteria, we will give evaluation points to projects that show:

  • Good knowledge of targeted beneficiary and their needs
  • Well defined objectives, outcomes, timelines, evaluation and success measures
  • Realistic budgeting for the proposed project
  • Strong project and financial management capacity, including fundraising
  • Able to attract new participants
  • Sustainable and enduring in its impact
  • Able to increase public awareness of the foundation’s objectives

Reimbursement of Grant

  • The grant will be released on a reimbursement basis
  •  The foundation does not give grants in advance
  • The grant may be released 3 months after completion of project and Post-programme report
  • Certified statement of account (this means certified by the appropriate Financial Authority of the institution to which the project team belongs eg: Chairman of mosque, CEO of enterprise or the Student Affairs of the Educational Institution)
  • Hi-res pictures of the project in Google Drive/Dropbox URL link
  • We will inform the applicant once the cheque is ready for collection
  • The Foundation provides funding to facilitate the development of youth volunteers who are carrying out projects projecting the spirit of Rahmatan Lil Alamin (Blessings to All). This funding may cover:
  • Pre-expedition bonding camp/team building expenses
  • One reconnaissance trip – compulsory for leaders who have not been to the project site and/or have not met the overseas host partner – 50% of the return airfare and taxes as well as other necessary expenses
  • Return airfare, airport taxes, visa fees
  • Meals, transportation, accommodation (Project teams are required to seek accommodation that can help the team to immerse in the host community e.g. rented house near the host community, community hall, classroom, a villager’s house etc.)
  • Logistics costs
  • Project material costs that directly relate to volunteers/beneficiaries’ development (eg : Materials for team-building and life-skills activities. Materials for building, refurbishment and food handouts for example, do not apply).
  • Telecommunication cost
  • Insurance with accidental death and permanent disability; minimum coverage of S$200,000 and covers local and international emergency medical evacuation expenses/services
  • Medical related expenses such as anti-malaria pills, first aid kit, pre-trip medical check-up and all vaccinations, etc.
  • Attire and banner for expeditions which bears the RLAF logo