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Humanitarian Aid for Gaza 2024








cases of malnutrition (in children)

Donate has closed on the 13 December 2024.

Why can't we donate to RLAF outside the period of donation?

It is because the permit we obtained from the Commissioner of Charities (CoC) is only applicable for the campaign date (18 September - 13 December 2024).

Humanitarian Aid for Gaza 2024

The Rahmatan Lil Alamin (Blessings to All) Foundation (RLAF) is launching a fundraising appeal to provide critical aid for children and families affected by the ongoing crisis in Gaza. This aid focuses on delivering essential health, relief, education, and medical supplies.

The fundraising will be conducted in collaboration with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO), and a local organisation, Humanity Matters (HM). This is also the first time RLAF is partnering multiple organisations for a fundraising appeal.

Impact of Escalating Gaza Crisis on Children & Their Families

The ongoing crisis has displaced approximately 1.9 million people, with 1.7 million confined to just 48 kmยฒ, resulting in a population density of 35,416 people per kmยฒ. This severe overcrowding poses risks to childrenโ€™s health and safety, increasing their vulnerability to infectious diseases and exacerbating challenges faced by their families.

The lack of adequate space and sanitation facilities poses the risk of disease outbreaks and impedes childrenโ€™s access to basic needs. Insufficient sanitation further exacerbates the risk of disease and hinders childrenโ€™s well-being. Access to clean water remains a critical issue, posing significant health risks. Approximately 194,190 children have been screened for malnutrition, with a notable increase in the number admitted for treatment. Educational services have been severely disrupted, with close to 524 schools damaged or destroyed, affecting the education of thousands of children.

Third Fundraising Appeal for Gaza

We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the innocent victims of this ongoing humanitarian crisis and their families. In line with this, RLAF will be conducting a third fundraising appeal spanning nearly three months from 18 September 2024 to 13 December 2024, providing Singaporeans a means to contribute to this humanitarian cause.

This effort will employ a multi-model approach via online donations, collections at mosques, and street collection. The funds raised will support (and not be limited to) the procurement of vital supplies such as food, water, medical aid, and sanitation for the affected communities in Gaza.

As part of a collective effort, this appeal will also rally our Singapore community to volunteer in packing the procured goods and participate in the street collections at designated times and locations. More details on street collection and packing exercises will be shared in due course.

*As per IRAS regulations, the donations are NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE as they are for foreign charitable purposes.

UNICEF does not endorse any company, brand, product or service.


Q1. Who is UNICEF and what does the organization do?

Q2. Who is Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization and what does the organisation do?

Q3. Who is Humanity Matters and what does the organisation do?

Q4. What will each partner organization do with the funds raised, and how will they benefit those in Gaza?

Q5. Why is RLAF partnering with three different organizations for this campaign?

Q6. When is the period of donation?

Q7. What will the donation be allocated for?

Q8. Why canโ€™t we donate to RLAF outside the period of donation?

Q9. What is the process to fundraise for this fundraising appeal?

Q10. Why is this campaign lasting longer than previous fundraising campaigns for Gaza?

Q11. When will the funds reach Gaza?

Q12. How are the supplies distributed to the beneficiaries and are there any issues in doing so?

Q13. When and where will the street donation drive be held?

Q14. How can I volunteer in this effort?

Q15. What is the minimum amount for donations?

Q16. What are the platforms and methods available for donations?

Q17. What is GivePlease?

Q18. How does RLAF ensure the donations are properly collected and audited?

Q19. How does RLAF ensure the funds and essential aid reach the children and their families in Gaza?

Q20. Will receipts be issued for my donations?

Q21. Can our donations be considered as Zakat?

Q22. I donated online but forgot to indicate โ€œGAZAAID2024โ€ under remarks. Will my online donation still be accepted for this fundraising campaign?

Q23. Does RLAF accept in-kind or item donations for this campaign?

Q24. I have wrongly transferred and I would like to request for a refund.

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