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The Foundation organises training and engagement programmes, modular workshops, hackathons as well as sharing of experiences in humanitarian and community development/service to develop compassion amongst our youth.


In addition, we also nurture a dedicated pool of volunteers who have been through the capacity building programmes to develop, facilitate and manage local jewel community service/development projects to hone their skills.

Through my experience, I learnt to be more thankful and cherish my blessings. I have developed an approach towards things that will now come from the heart, more than any other external factors.

Hazmi Md NoorRLAF Core Volunteer

Art Therapy : Facilitating Healing of Survivors of Abuse and Trauma

The workshop equipped 40 young volunteers with understanding and experience through theory and hands-on directives how the therapy it can help the children and families affected by abuse and trauma.

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Training and Engagements

The Foundation hold quarterly traning and engagement sessions for young activists and leaders to develop capabilities in understanding the terrain and managing projects. Previous training includes Project Management Bootcamp, Creating Social Impact Through Humanitarian Projects and Foundations for An Effective Humanitarian Volunteer. Since 2010, we developed...


Local and Overseas Projects

Since 2009, the Foundation has given more than SGD 1.4 million worth of grant to 72 community service projects (local and abroad) by youth groups. The groups are from Institution of Higher Learning, mosque, full-time Madrasah, social enterprises and NGOs. The projects were for the community in Singapore and beyond i.e Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, India, Indonesia, Aceh and Turkey.

View our local projectsView our overseas projects

The happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more. Want to be a volunteer? Join us today!