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Digital Transformation for Seniors

With the ongoing digital revolution and Singapore's Smart Nation initiative to harness technology for the better, efforts to ensure all segments of society are able to utilize digital technologies and benefit from them are crucial. As Singapore moves towards a smart nation and goes digital in all aspects, RLAF recognises that many seniors, including those in the Malay/Muslim community, may be struggling to keep up with the implementation of digital services.
As Singapore moves towards a smart nation and goes digital in all aspects, RLAF recognises that many seniors, including those in the Malay/Muslim community, may be struggling to keep up with the implementation of digital services. As such, RLAF aims to bridge the apparent digital divide in a move towards a more digitally inclusive society. Thus, RLAF launched the Digital Transformation for Seniors (DTS) project, to support seniors in their journey towards digital adoption.

The project aims to reach out to seniors and support them in embracing and adopting technology with confidence. Specifically, it will help them to be familiarised with digital services by the government as well as in the community such as the use of mosque prayer booking system. The project also aims to enable our seniors to continue embarking in a lifelong journey of digital learning and adoption.

In the first phase of the project, RLAF sought to pilot digital learning for Seniors at 4 mosques, which was later expanded to 13 mosques island-wide. The learning was conducted by more than 30 RLAFโ€™s volunteers, who were trained on 3 main areas of focus: (1) MUIS Mosque Booking website, (2) Cybersecurity and (3) TraceTogether. These volunteers were mobilised to set up digital clinics offering 1:1 assistance, and organised lecture sessions, in the aim to help seniors learn basic digital skills and encourage them to continue their digital journey. Over a period of 2 months, RLAF has engaged over 1600 seniors through the first phase of the DTS project.


Our Impact


volunteers field trained


projects completed


humanitarian funds raised


lives impacted

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