EventsFeatured March 9, 2020 Disability Awareness Sharing Session II RLAF is holding our 2nd Disability Awareness talk which focuses on the Down Syndrome… liyana Love0
EventsUpdates November 8, 2019 Disability Awareness Sharing Session Let's celebrate the differently-abled among us! As a lead up to our signature project for… liyana Love0
Events September 10, 2019 Project Touch : Thank You Residents of Champions Way for Embracing Us! We recently concluded our 6-month elderly engagement project at Champions Way. We would like to… liyana Love0
Events October 26, 2018 Psychological First Aid Helps People Affected By Crisis How does one provide basic psychological first aid to persons affected by crisis? How about… amalinahp Love0
Events July 10, 2018 Rebuilding Lives Through Art Therapy A group of 45 youth volunteers and practitioners in the areas of counselling, humanitarian and… amalinahp Love0
Events June 11, 2018 Ramadhan for Life : Empowering Underprivileged Children Through Giving There are many ways to empower children and one of it is by giving them… amalinahp Love0
Events April 13, 2018 25 Young Volunteers from Madrasah and Mosques Empowered by Design Thinking Bootcamp RLA Foundation Singapore held a 2-day Design Thinking & Project Management Bootcamp in collaboration with Majulah Community on 7 and… amalinahp Love0
Events January 29, 2018 36 Young Activists from Singapore and ASEAN Countries Attended Inaugural Humanitarian Training We co-organised a 2-days training with UNHCR eCentre to impart experience and competencies into humanitarian and development… amalinahp Love0