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Special Collection to Aid Survivors of Beirut Explosion

The Rahmatan Lil Alamin (Blessings to all) Foundation (RLAF), in collaboration with the Singapore Red Cross (SRC) is organising a fundraising initiative to deliver urgent aid and emergency relief to re-build lives and livelihoods that have been devastated by the unprecedented explosions at the port in the Lebanese capital city of Beirut two days ago.

As evident in the media coverage over the last two days that occurred immediately after the Aidiladha celebrations, the explosions have caused mass casualties and devastation across Beirut. To date, over 135 lives have been lost from the tragedy, over 5,000 were injured by the devastations and about 300,000 are said to have been made homeless and displaced from the impact of the explosion. This is not to mention the widespread destruction of infrastructure and commercial district owing to the magnitude of the explosion.

This could not have come at a worse time as the city is reeling from its own economic and political woes coupled with the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the region. To add to this, despite its small size, Lebanon is also hosting over two million refugees from Syria and other nationalities. This further aggravates the difficulty that the people and leaders of Lebanon find themselves in.

In 2017, RLAF had extended help to the people of Lebanon, primarily the Syrian refugee population when it collaborated with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), to help child refugees to receive continuing education through a educational outreach and parent education programmes in many parts of Lebanon.

Our hearts go out to the families of the immediate casualties of the unfortunate incident. For this reason, the RLAF is conducting a collection via multiple platforms starting today, Friday, 7 August to 14 August 2020 to assist in efforts to speed up the emergency relief efforts to help the people of Lebanon most affected to recover from the tragedy.

Members of the public can make their donation via online at :

  1. Giving.SG – campaign at
  2. PayNow – you would need to key in RLAF’s UEN: 200910530Z and indicate under remarks – Beirut Relief
  3. Muslim.SG – RLAF Beirut Relief
  4. Issue cheque payable to ‘RLAF’. State on back of cheque: donor’s name, contact number and indicate “Beirut Relief”. Mail your cheque to RLAF (Masjid Yusof Ishak, No 10, Woodlands Drive 17, Singapore 737740) or to MUIS (No. 273 Braddell Road, Singapore 579702)

All collections will be channeled through the Singapore Red Cross (SRC). The SRC has launched a public fundraising appeal for relief efforts by the Lebanese Red Cross, that is actively operating on the ground to provide emergency response and medical support to the affected.