RLADay 2022
Fundraising for Organizations Providing Services for
Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) via President’s Challenge
The Rahmatan Lil Alamin (Blessings to all) Foundation (RLAF), in collaboration with the President’s Challenge, is organising a collection for organizations which provide services and support for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs).
- The collection is part of the Rahmatan Lil Alamin Day or RLA Day, an annual commemoration which signifies the Singapore Muslim community’s efforts in spreading the ethos of Rahmatan Lil Alamin (bringing blessings to all). This year, the RLA Day continues its focus on rallying support towards the disability cause and PwDs in Singapore through the following:
- Raising awareness about disability and PwDs in Singapore among the community
- Nurturing a sustained relationship between organizations which support PwDs and stakeholders in the community through volunteer-beneficiary engagements and more
- Encouraging donations to RLAF’s fundraising for organizations which provide services and support for PwDs via President’s Challenge
The COVID-19 pandemic has grievously affected societies and economies worldwide. Globally, it has taken millions of lives, sickened many more and disrupted countless jobs and businesses. Singapore is also hit hard, particularly in some industry sectors like aviation and tourism. In the social service sector, many smaller social service agencies including those which provide help to PwDs is facing difficulties in raising funds to continue their good work. As the vulnerable groups in our society are the most susceptible to the negative impact of the pandemic, such as job displacements and social isolation, help is needed by them and the agencies supporting them.
Furthermore, greater support is needed for PwDs in the longer term due to growing trends. Firstly, PwDs are living longer and it is critical to expand efforts to enable them to live independently as they age. Secondly, the number of persons diagnosed with autism is growing and services to support them need to be enhanced. Thirdly, as the population ages and family size shrinks, ageing caregivers will find it harder to take care of their grown-up children and themselves. Support for older persons in caregiving roles has to expand.[1]
For this reason, the RLAF is conducting an online collection via multiple platforms starting today, Monday, 5 September to Thursday, 25 September 2022 to aid organizations which provide services and support for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs).
Members of the public can make their donation via online at:
Mode of donations: –
- a. PayNow – you would need to key in RLAF’s UEN: 200910530Z and indicate under remarks – RLA Day (Refer to Annex A for QR Code)
- Giving.SG – campaign at https://www.giving.sg/rlafoundationsg/rladay2022
- Interbank transfer via RLAF (Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation) – Transfer to OCBC Current Account at a/c no: 629069154001
- Issue cheque payable to ‘RLAF’. State on back of cheque: donor’s name, NRIC/ UEN (for a tax-deductible donations) contact number and indicate “RLA Day”. Mail your cheque to RLAF (Masjid Yusof Ishak, No 10, Woodlands Drive 17, Singapore 737740) or to MUIS (No. 273 Braddell Road, Singapore 579702)
- Kindly email to rlaf@rlafoundation.org.sg a screenshot of the donation made together with donor’s NRIC / UEN for tax deductible donations purposes. All collection will be channeled through the President’s Challenge, a fund-raising movement managed by the National Council of Social Service, a statutory body established under the National Council of Social Service Act. For more information, please contact Ms Zarifah Rohani at 9239 7584 or email at zarifah@rlafoundation.org.sg. Alternatively, you may contact Ms Maryam Marhim at 9652 1474 or email at maryam_mohd_marhim@muis.gov.sg