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Launch of Humanitarian Aid for Gaza Fundraising Campaign

The Rahmatan Lil Alamin (Blessings to all) Foundation (RLAF), in collaboration with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), is organising a collection to provide aid in the form of health, relief and social services for communities affected by the recent developments in Gaza.

Gaza has seen tragic injuries, loss of human lives and extensive destruction of physical infrastructures. Already-high levels of psychosocial stress, especially among children, have been further exacerbated. To date, 1.9 million Palestinian people living in Gazaโ€”of which ย more than 70% are registered Palestine refugeesโ€”are in urgent need of UNRWA emergency humanitarian assistance. To date, more than 56,000 Palestinians are displaced in Gaza.

The spread of the COVID-19 virus has aggravated existing vulnerabilities and continue to impact the people of Gaza. As the number of casualties and internally displaced people climbs, Palestinian refugees are left to seek shelter at UNRWA schools, in mosques and other places during the global COVID-19 pandemic with limited access to water, food, sanitation, and health services such as UNRWA Salah Eddin School, one of 56 shelters of its kind in Gaza.

Our hearts go out to the casualties of this humanitarian crisis and their families. For this reason, the RLAF is conducting an online fundraising effort via multiple platforms starting Saturday, 22 May to 30 May 2021 to contribute to efforts towards humanitarian aid for the people of Palestine.

All donations will be channeled through UNRWA which is actively operating on the ground to provide humanitarian aid to the victims and families.